@ECHO OFF REM SWF save data location finder tool by nosamu - 2020-08-28 REM Usage: SWFSaveDataLocator.bat http://example.com/example.swf SETLOCAL SET "SaveLocation=%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects" SET "SWFURL=%*" IF "%SWFURL%"=="" (SET /P SWFURL="Enter the URL of the SWF file: ") CALL :URLToPath %SWFURL% SET "RelativePath=%thepath%" PUSHD "%SaveLocation%" FOR /D %%i IN (*) DO ( IF EXIST "%%i\%RelativePath%\" ( explorer.exe "%%i\%RelativePath%\" GOTO Success ) ) ECHO Failed to find save file location. :Success POPD ENDLOCAL EXIT /B :URLToPath SET QUERY=%* SET thepath=%QUERY:/=\% SET thepath=%thepath::\\=:% :GetPath IF NOT "%thepath::=test%"=="%thepath%" ( SET thepath=%thepath:~1% GOTO GetPath ) EXIT /B